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AI Categorisation Table


Material Design Meets AI

Showing how materials can be used a teaching tool for Artificial Intelligence and the digital world.

Material design meets AI challenges the way materials are perceived, by using materials as a tool to teach about digital concepts. Illustrating the

endless possibilities of materials with a playful installation that hopes to make learning about AI more accessible.


Material Design meets AI was one of six installations curated by Rosie Murdoch and commissioned by UCL’s Trellis programme, that opened at The Art Pavilion at Mile End Park on 28 April 2022.


The installation translates A.I concepts, such as categorisation and projection into physical tangible experiences. Whilst the installation also introduces a wider audience unfamiliar to the world of AI and machine learning, as well as those the installation is also for those who are experts in the field.


For instance, the AI categorisation objects are multi-faceted and can’t always be classified into one category. Emphasising intersectionality and

diversity, just like humans some machines are taught to categorise.

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